From:                              Sonali H. Shah

Sent:                               Tuesday, August 28, 2012 8:54 AM

To:                                   Sonali H. Shah

Subject:                          Cap and trade bills - Need your Calls this week!



From: ca trees
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 5:40 PM
To: ca trees
Subject: Cap and trade bills - Need your Calls this week!




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August 28, 2012

Dear Urban Forestry Advocates,

We are in the final days of the Legislative Session, and two particular bills we have been working on all year have shaped up to be quite beneficial to urban forestry and urban greening through the investments of AB 32 cap and trade auction revenues.  One bill is an overall framework for the long-term expenditure of the funds and another bill is for “early investments” for FY 2012-13.  This week, both of these bills will be taken up on the Floor in the opposite house of their original. 

We ask that you please call your local Senators and Assemblymembers to ask for their aye vote on these bills.  Please be conscientious of the fact that we need calls to go to the opposite house than where the bill originated (i.e. you are calling Assembly members about a Senate bill and vice versa).

Contact information for your local Senators and Assembly members and summaries of the bills/talking points are below.  There are links to the full text of the bills, if you are so inclined:
AB 1532 (Perez)
Although this is an Assembly Bill, we need calls to go to your Senators, as the bill is up on the Senate Floor

AB 1532 by Speaker Pérez provides a strong framework to advance the goals of California’s landmark law, the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while stimulating California’s economy, creating jobs, and optimizing multiple benefits for all Californians.
AB 1532 establishes the long-term framework (2013-2020) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through investments in:

  • Clean and efficient energy
  • Sustainable development
  • Local innovation projects (includes urban greening)
  • Natural resources (includes urban greening)

SB1572 (Pavley)
Although this is a Senate Bill, we need calls to go to your Assembly members, as the bill is up on the Assembly Floor -

SB 1572 by Senator Pavley would establish an expenditure plan for Fiscal Year 2012-13 for revenues not already allocated in this year’s budget bill resulting from the California Air Resources Board’s (ARB) cap & trade auction authorized under AB 32.
Specifically, SB 1572 will:

  • Allocate 60% of the undesignated auction revenues to provide cost relief to businesses regulated under cap & trade for their greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects "that maximize the use of private capital;”
  • Allocate 10% of the undesignated auction revenues to the Strategic Growth Council for implementation of regional or local plans to reduce GHGs (includes urban greening)
  • Allows the auction revenues paid by UCs and CSUs for their allowances to be set aside to reimburse those UCs and CSUs for their costs to reduce GHG; and
  • Allows the auction revenues paid public water suppliers for their allowances to be set aside to reimburse those public agencies for their costs to reduce GHG.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me, and thanks for your support!
Nancy Hughes
Executive Director
California Urban Forests Council



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